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(Little) Orion 







This is a course for new first graders and selected nencho students who have been with us from an early age and have a higher level than new nencho students.  We continue the use the phonics programme begun in the lower classes, but begin to read and write.  


Lessons follow a six week theme focused on increasing vocabulary and speaking practice.  Every lesson's table time consists of basic phonics, reading and writing.  Letters are built up gradually to form words, so children are able to and after around 12 weeks, students will begin to read stories from the accompanying Readers book.  The lesson is fast-paced to keep up with the children's attention, including learning games and group story-telling.  


There is a small amount of written homework assigned each week.  Some children also choose to do additional writing practice in their notebooks, which I will check.  There is also a YouTube playlist that is updated with every theme.  Each playlist lasts for around ten minutes and we recommend listening at home daily to get the most out of the lessons.  We use songs and stories in rotation to compliment and revise the vocabulary learned across all the themes.


対象:            小学生一年生(6-7才)

定員:            3~6名。(振替の生徒2名まで追加する場合あり)

月謝:            7,000円(年42回レッスン)

教材:            約3000円 (年額)

​Classes are held once a week


Age             :Primary school 1st grade and long-term nencho                             students

Student no.:  3-6 students per class with spaces for 2 make-up                         students

Cost:             7,000 yen a month (42 times a year)


Materials:      approx. 3,000 yen a year total

                    (2 books, a CD, a notebook and a bag)

Think, Read, Write Series






毎ページあるリーディングやライティングのアクティビティが、フォニックスの基礎知識を習得し、 「書く」構造と分解して単語を「読む」方法を学ぶ手助けをする! 



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